Ayurveda, Homeopathy are hitting targets in Dark Room
Many people do not have a clear idea about what science is. Science is not a storehouse of information or a list of solutions of many problems. Science is a process or method by which you are receiving all the information. Suppose an 'A' event followed by an 'B' event. It is very important that how you take these two facts into account. If A' is the actual cause of 'B' but you conclude 'A' is the cause of 'B' without any evidence, analysis, argument, it will be unscientific. If you analyze, 'A' and 'B' based on proper logic, argument and evidence and thereafter you find 'A' is the actual cause of 'B', then that would be a scientific method.
Various religious leaders have often said that their religion has said many things before the evidencial claim of modern science, such as the Quran says that the earth revolves around the sun, or thousand year back there was rishi named Kanad who came up with the idea of atom and so on.
If we imagine a dark room where we have a fixed an aim. This time you are told to aim a target by stones at that dark room. This is very true that a random throw may hit the target successfully. The probability to hit the target in a dark room may be very less but not zero. This time in a bright room you are asked to aim the target again. Needless to say, your chances to hit the target are much higher than in the previous dark room.
We didn't know many information when this ancient books were written. People did not know germ theory in the time of Ayurveda and homeopathy. There were no modern diagnostic instruments to measure even blood pressure and temperature. So the treatment of your disease with such alternative medicines is like hitting target in a dark room. On the other hand, the treatment of evidence based modern medical methods has a lot of potential. Modern medicine knows what a germ is made of, what it composition is, and what are the proenties and other compunds can break the germ down. Naturally, treatment with modern evidence based medcine is very very safer practice. It is true that a thousand year old alternative treatment is much more experienced compared to hundred year old modern medicine. They have developed many drugs in trial and error methods. These alternative medicines may work or may not work, but Ayurvedic can never be a science, because they do not know how the chemistry of alternative medicines work on the diffrent hormones, preteins and enzymes of human body. This medicnes are made of trial and erro process which did not follow standard scientific methods. Rishi Kanad's claim about atom never be scientific because at that time there was no any instruments for cathod ray tube made by Rutherford. Science may find evidences of two of the 100 ancient claims. The remaining ninety-eight claims have been proved false. Please do not use fake, unscientific evidences to prove your ancient book great. Our history, culture, food habits, dress, language, literature are already great and beautiful
Infomation: Science is Dope: Pranav
Written by rourab
13th June Monday 2022
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